Church Belief

Church Belief

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has a set of core beliefs that guide its teachings, practices, and mission. Here are the central beliefs of RCCG:
Fundamental Beliefs

  1. The Bible: RCCG believes that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God and the ultimate authority for faith and practice.
  2. God: The church believes in one God, who exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  3. Jesus Christ: RCCG believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for the sins of humanity, and rose from the dead. He is the only way to salvation.
  4. Holy Spirit: The church believes in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who indwells and empowers believers for godly living and service.
  5. Salvation: Salvation is a gift from God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It involves repentance from sin, acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  6. Sanctification: RCCG believes in the process of sanctification, whereby believers are made holy through the work of the Holy Spirit, living a life separated from sin and dedicated to God.
  7. The Church: The church is the body of Christ, made up of all born-again believers. RCCG emphasizes the importance of fellowship, worship, and service within the local church and the global body of Christ.
  8. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper: RCCG practices water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) as ordinances instituted by Jesus Christ.
  9. Second Coming of Christ: The church believes in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead, bringing eternal reward or punishment.
  10. Heaven and Hell: RCCG believes in the existence of heaven as the eternal home of the redeemed and hell as the place of eternal separation from God for the unsaved.

Additional Beliefs

  1. Divine Healing: The church believes in divine healing as provided through the atonement of Jesus Christ and available to believers.
  2. Prayer: RCCG places a strong emphasis on the power and importance of prayer in the life of a believer.
  3. Evangelism: The church is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people and making disciples.
    These core beliefs are foundational to the teachings and practices of RCCG and reflect its commitment to living out the principles of the Christian faith.


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